Finished and IP Cores Under Development

So-Logic offers a large collection of IP cores that is continously expanding. Below you can find a list of all IP cores that are currently being offered by the So-Logic.


So-Logic's development engineers are continously adding new cores to our IP collection. Here is a list of cores that are in the final phase of development:

  • SATA-II Device Controller Core
  • 16-bit Fixed Point Divider Core
  • Logarithm Calculation Core
  • 2D-DCT/IDCT Core
  • 8051 Compatible Timer Core
  • 8051 Compatible Serial Port Core
  • Huffman Coder/Decoder Core
  • DES Encryption/Decription Core
  • Triple DES Encryption/Decription Core
  • JPEG Coder/Decoder Core
  • Motion JPEG Coder/Decoder Core


If you cannot find a core that meets your specific needs, please don't hesitate to contact us at One of our development engineers will be in contact with you shortly to help you specify your needs and start developing your IP core!


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