
The knowledgebase provides some free services available to the developer community. Currently there are three parts:

FPGA Universe

FPGA Universe is imagined as a place where all information related to FPGA devices and FPGA design can be found. Currently, FPGA Universe contains:

  • FPGA Database of all FPGA families that have existed and currently exist on the market
  • FPGA Tutorials, as a simple examples of using VHDL, Verilog, C and SystemC languages and Xilinx design tools
  • Applications, which includes papers, notes, use cases and links
  • Links

    The links section is a list of important links of FPGA and embedded products. If you think some links could be added, please send us an e-mail and we will add them. The link section is also used as an internal tool, so we will keep it up to date.

    Quick reference guides

    The guides are small compendiums we compiled for our own purposes. You will also find some articles where we describe projects developed by so-logic as far as we allowed to publish these articles. For further information you can always reach us.

    Updated at: 2019-07-16 10:53:22 +0200to the top