6.1 Description




Drawing 6.1: Digital Sine Top block diagram



Drawing 6.2: Digital Sine Top detailed block diagram






6.2 Creating Module

To create Digital Sine Top module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor.


Digital Sine Top VHDL model:


library ieee;

    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


    use work.modulator_pkg.all;


entity sine_top is


        cntampl_value_g          : integer := 255;      -- threshold value for counter, it's value should be equal to (2^depth)-1

        depth_g                     : integer range 1 to 99 := 8; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal

        width_g                       : integer range 1 to 99 := 12; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

        div_factor_freqhigh_g : integer := 57344;                -- threshold value of frequency a

        div_factor_freqlow_g  : integer := 196608                -- threshold value of frequency b




        clk_in     : in  std_logic;                -- input clock signal

        sine_out : out  std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0);   -- current amplitude value of the sine signal

        sw0        : in  std_logic                -- signal used for selecting frequency




architecture rtl of sine_top is


    constant sin_ampl_c : vector_t_arr := init_sin_f(depth_g, width_g); -- returns sine amplitude value


    signal ampl_cnt_s : std_logic_vector(depth_g-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');   -- amplitude counter

    signal freq_trig_s  : std_logic := '0';




    counterampl : entity work.counter(rtl) -- counter instance

        generic map(

            cnt_value_g => cntampl_value_g,

             depth_g       => depth_g



        port map (

            clk_in  => clk_in,

            cnt_en  => freq_trig_s,

            cnt_out => ampl_cnt_s



    freq_ce : entity work.frequency_trigger(rtl) -- frequency trigger instance

        generic map(

            div_factor_freqhigh_g => div_factor_freqhigh_g,

            div_factor_freqlow_g  => div_factor_freqlow_g    



        port map(

            clk_in     => clk_in,      

            freq_trig => freq_trig_s,

            sw0        => sw0



    sine : entity work.sine(rtl) -- digital sine instance

        generic map(

            depth_g => depth_g,

            width_g => width_g   



            ampl_cnt => ampl_cnt_s,

            clk_in      => clk_in,      

            sine_out  => sine_out   




6.3 Creating Test Bench





We will now create a test bench for Digital Sine Top module (sine_top_tb.vhd). We will use the same steps as for creating frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd module, explained in Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor.


  • Digital Sine Top test bench:

    library ieee;

        use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

        use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

        use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


        use work.modulator_pkg.all;


    entity sine_top_tb is


            cntampl_value_g         : integer := 255;                     -- threshold value for counter, it's value should be equal to (2^depth)-1

            depth_g                       : integer range 1 to 99 := 8;    -- the number of samples in one period of the signal

            width_g                        : integer range 1 to 99 := 12          -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

            div_factor_freqhigh_g : integer := 55;                                 -- threshold value of frequency a

            div_factor_freqlow_g   : integer := 195;                              -- threshold value of frequency b




    architecture tb of sine_top_tb is


        signal clk_in_s      : std_logic := '0';                 -- input clock signal

        signal sine_out_s : std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');     -- current amplitude value of the sine signal

        signal sw0_s        : std_logic := '0';                 -- signal used for selecting frequency



        dut : entity work.sine_top -- sine_top instance

            generic map(

                cntampl_value_g        => cntampl_value_g,

                depth_g                      => depth_g,

                width_g                       => width_g,

                div_factor_freqhigh_g => div_factor_freqhigh_g,

                div_factor_freqlow_g  => div_factor_freqlow_g



            port map(

                clk_in     => clk_in_s,

                sine_out => sine_out_s,

                sw0        => sw0_s



        clk_in_s <=  not (clk_in_s) after per_c/2; -- 50 MHz input clock signal

        sw0_s    <= '0', '1' after 1 ms;      




    6.4 Simulating

    After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation:

    1. You can start your simulation (see Chapter 3.4 Simulating)
    2. Simulate your design for 4 ms (see Chapter 2.5 Simulating – step 12.)
    3. Assuming no errors, your simulation result should look similar to Illustration 6.1.



    Illustration 6.1 Simulation Results


    Note: Information about creating the Digital Sine Top Module, generating its test bench and simulating the Digital Sine Top design, you can also find in the Lab 8: “Creating Digital Sine Top Module”.


    6.5 Synthesize

    6.5.1 Description

    6.5.2 Synthesize

    To synthesize your design, follow these steps:

    1. In the Design window, select Implementation view
    2. In the Hierarchy window, right-click on the synthesizable module (sine_top - rtl) and select Set as Top Module, if it is not already set
    3. In the Hierarchy window, select synthesizable module (sine_top – rtl) and in the Processes window, double-click on the Synthesize – XST command, see Illustration 6.2



    Illustration 6.2: Synthesize – XST command


    6.5.3 Synthesis Report

    After synthesis completes, you can view the reports, and open, analyze, and use the synthesis design. Synthesis Report contains the results from the synthesis run, including area and timing estimation. To view Synthesis Report:

    1. In the Project Navigator, select Project → Design Summary/Reports option from the main menu, see Illustration 6.3



    Illustration 6.3: Design Summary/Reports option

    1. In the Design Summary (Synthesized) window, select Detailed Reports Synthesis Report option, see Illustration 6.4



    Illustration 6.4: Detailed Reports → Synthesis Report option


    In the Synthesis Report you will find:


    1) Synthesis Options Summary

    2) HDL Parsing

    3) HDL Elaboration

    4) HDL Synthesis

    5) Advanced HDL Synthesis

    6) Low Level Synthesis

    7) Partition Report

    8) Design Summary



    1) Synthesis Options Summary – summarized the parameters and options used for the current synthesis run, see Illustration 6.5. Changes to these options can be made by right-clicking on the Synthesize – XST process in the Project Navigator,  Processes window and selecting Process Properties option.


    *                      Synthesis Options Summary                        *
    ---- Source Parameters
    Input File Name                    : "sine_top.prj"
    Ignore Synthesis Constraint File   : NO
    ---- Target Parameters
    Output File Name                   : "sine_top"
    Output Format                      : NGC
    Target Device                      : xc7k325t-2-ffg900
    ---- Source Options
    Top Module Name                    : sine_top
    Automatic FSM Extraction           : YES
    FSM Encoding Algorithm             : Auto
    Safe Implementation                : No
    FSM Style                          : LUT
    RAM Extraction                     : Yes
    RAM Style                          : Auto
    ROM Extraction                     : Yes
    Shift Register Extraction          : YES
    ROM Style                          : Auto
    Resource Sharing                   : YES
    Asynchronous To Synchronous        : NO
    Shift Register Minimum Size        : 2
    Use DSP Block                      : Auto
    Automatic Register Balancing       : No
    ---- Target Options
    LUT Combining                      : Auto
    Reduce Control Sets                : Auto
    Add IO Buffers                     : YES
    Global Maximum Fanout              : 100000
    Add Generic Clock Buffer(BUFG)     : 32
    Register Duplication               : YES
    Optimize Instantiated Primitives   : NO
    Use Clock Enable                   : Auto
    Use Synchronous Set                : Auto
    Use Synchronous Reset              : Auto
    Pack IO Registers into IOBs        : Auto
    Equivalent register Removal        : YES
    ---- General Options
    Optimization Goal                  : Speed
    Optimization Effort                : 1
    Power Reduction                    : NO
    Keep Hierarchy                     : No
    Netlist Hierarchy                  : As_Optimized
    RTL Output                         : Yes
    Global Optimization                : AllClockNets
    Read Cores                         : YES
    Write Timing Constraints           : NO
    Cross Clock Analysis               : NO
    Hierarchy Separator                : /
    Bus Delimiter                      : <>
    Case Specifier                     : Maintain
    Slice Utilization Ratio            : 100
    BRAM Utilization Ratio             : 100
    DSP48 Utilization Ratio            : 100
    Auto BRAM Packing                  : NO
    Slice Utilization Ratio Delta      : 5

    Illustration 6.5: Synthesis Options Summary


    2), 3) HDL Parsing and HDL Elaboration – during HDL parsing and elaboration, XST parses the VHDL and Verilog files that make up the synthesis project, interprets the content of those files, recognizes the design hierarchy, flags HDL coding mistakes, points out potential problems such as simulation mismatches between post-synthesis and HDL and potential multi-source situations. If problems occur at later stages of synthesis, the HDL parsing and elaboration sections may reveal the root cause of the problems.


    *                          HDL Parsing                                  *
    Parsing VHDL file "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\modulator_pkg.vhd" into library work
    Parsing package <modulator_pkg>.
    Parsing package body <modulator_pkg>.
    Parsing VHDL file "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\sine_rtl.vhd" into library work
    Parsing entity <sine>.
    Parsing architecture <rtl> of entity <sine>.
    Parsing VHDL file "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd" into library work
    Parsing entity <frequency_trigger>.
    Parsing architecture <rtl> of entity <frequency_trigger>.
    Parsing VHDL file "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\counter_rtl.vhd" into library work
    Parsing entity <counter>.
    Parsing architecture <rtl> of entity <counter>.
    Parsing VHDL file "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\sine_top_rtl.vhd" into library work
    Parsing entity <sine_top>.
    Parsing architecture <rtl> of entity <sine_top>.
    *                            HDL Elaboration                            *
    Elaborating entity <sine_top> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.
    Elaborating entity <counter> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.
    Elaborating entity <frequency_trigger> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.
    INFO:HDLCompiler:679 - "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd" Line 81. Case statement is complete. others clause is never selected
    Elaborating entity <sine> (architecture <rtl>) with generics from library <work>.

    Illustration 6.6: HDL Parsing and HDL Elaboration


    4) HDL Synthesis – during HDL Synthesis XST attempts to recognize basic macros for which a technology-specific implementation might later be possible. These basic macros include: registers, adders, multipliers. During HDL Synthesis XST looks for Finite State Machine (FSM) descriptions on a block by block basis and XST issues the HDL Synthesis Report, which provides statistics on inferred macros.


    *                           HDL Synthesis                               *
    Synthesizing Unit <sine_top>.
        Related source file is "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\sine_top_rtl.vhd".
            cntampl_value_g = 255
            depth_g = 8
            width_g = 12
            div_factor_freqhigh_g = 57344
            div_factor_freqlow_g = 196608
    	no macro.
    Unit <sine_top> synthesized.
    Synthesizing Unit <counter>.
        Related source file is "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\counter_rtl.vhd".
            cnt_value_g = 255
            depth_g = 8
        Found 8-bit register for signal <cnt_out_s>.
        Found 8-bit adder for signal <cnt_out_s[7]_GND_8_o_add_1_OUT> created at line 60.
    	inferred   1 Adder/Subtractor(s).
    	inferred   8 D-type flip-flop(s).
    Unit <counter> synthesized.
    Synthesizing Unit <frequency_trigger>.
        Related source file is "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd".
            div_factor_freqhigh_g = 57344
            div_factor_freqlow_g = 196608
        Found 1-bit register for signal <freq_trig>.
        Found 1-bit register for signal <sw0_jmp>.
        Found 32-bit register for signal <freq_cnt_s>.
        Found 32-bit adder for signal <freq_cnt_s[31]_GND_9_o_add_0_OUT> created at line 56.
    	inferred   1 Adder/Subtractor(s).
    	inferred  34 D-type flip-flop(s).
    	inferred   1 Multiplexer(s).
    Unit <frequency_trigger> synthesized.
    Synthesizing Unit <sine>.
        Related source file is "G:\temp\ISE\Sources\sine_rtl.vhd".
            depth_g = 8
            width_g = 12
        Found 12-bit register for signal <sine_s>.
        Found 8-bit register for signal <ampl_cnt_s>.
        Found 256x12-bit Read Only RAM for signal <ampl_cnt_s[7]_GND_10_o_wide_mux_0_OUT>
    	inferred   1 RAM(s).
    	inferred  20 D-type flip-flop(s).
    Unit <sine> synthesized.
    HDL Synthesis Report
    Macro Statistics
    # RAMs                                                 : 1
     256x12-bit single-port Read Only RAM                  : 1
    # Adders/Subtractors                                   : 2
     32-bit adder                                          : 1
     8-bit adder                                           : 1
    # Registers                                            : 6
     1-bit register                                        : 2
     12-bit register                                       : 1
     32-bit register                                       : 1
     8-bit register                                        : 2
    # Multiplexers                                         : 1
     1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer                              : 1

    Illustration 6.7: HDL Synthesis and HDL Synthesis Report


    5) Advanced HDL Synthesis - in this section, XST attempts to combine basic macros inferred during HDL Synthesis into larger macro blocks. The macro blocks include: counters, pipelined multipliers, multiply-accumulate functions. XST reports on the selected encoding scheme for each inferred Finite State Machine (FSM). The Advanced HDL Synthesis Report summarized the recognized macros in the overall design. The recognized macros are sorted by macro type.


    *                       Advanced HDL Synthesis                          *
    Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <counter>.
    The following registers are absorbed into counter <cnt_out_s>: 1 register on signal <cnt_out_s>.
    Unit <counter> synthesized (advanced).
    Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <frequency_trigger>.
    The following registers are absorbed into counter <freq_cnt_s>: 1 register on signal <freq_cnt_s>.
    Unit <frequency_trigger> synthesized (advanced).
    Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <sine>.
    INFO:Xst:3226 - The RAM <Mram_ampl_cnt_s[7]_GND_10_o_wide_mux_0_OUT> will be implemented as a BLOCK RAM, absorbing the following register(s): <sine_s>
        | ram_type           | Block                               |          |
        | Port A                                                              |
        |     aspect ratio   | 256-word x 12-bit                   |          |
        |     mode           | write-first                         |          |
        |     clkA           | connected to signal <clk_in>        | rise     |
        |     weA            | connected to signal <GND>           | high     |
        |     addrA          | connected to signal <ampl_cnt_s>    |          |
        |     diA            | connected to signal <GND>           |          |
        |     doA            | connected to signal <sine_s>        |          |
        | optimization       | speed                               |          |
    Unit <sine> synthesized (advanced).
    Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
    Macro Statistics
    # RAMs                                                 : 1
     256x12-bit single-port block Read Only RAM            : 1
    # Counters                                             : 2
     32-bit up counter                                     : 1
     8-bit up counter                                      : 1
    # Registers                                            : 10
     Flip-Flops                                            : 10

    Illustration 6.8: Advanced HDL Synthesis and Advanced HDL Synthesis Report


    6) Low Level Synthesis – this section displays information about XST low-level optimizations, including: removal of equivalent flip-flops, optimization of constant flip-flops, register replication, see Illustration 6.9


    *                         Low Level Synthesis                           *
    Optimizing unit <sine> ...
    Optimizing unit <sine_top> ...
    Optimizing unit <frequency_trigger> ...
    Mapping all equations...
    Building and optimizing final netlist ...
    Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 5) on block sine_top, actual ratio is 0.
    Final Macro Processing ...
    Final Register Report
    Macro Statistics
    # Registers                                            : 50
     Flip-Flops                                            : 50


    Illustration 6.9: Low Level Synthesis


    7) Partition Report – displays information about the design partitions, see Illustration 6.10


    *                           Partition Report                            *
    Partition Implementation Status
      No Partitions were found in this design.


    Illustration 6.10: Partition Report


    8) Design Summary:


    *                            Design Summary                             *
    Top Level Output File Name         : sine_top.ngc
    Primitive and Black Box Usage:
    # BELS                             : 163
    #      GND                         : 1
    #      INV                         : 2
    #      LUT1                        : 38
    #      LUT2                        : 32
    #      LUT4                        : 2
    #      LUT5                        : 1
    #      LUT6                        : 8
    #      MUXCY                       : 38
    #      VCC                         : 1
    #      XORCY                       : 40
    # FlipFlops/Latches                : 50
    #      FD                          : 42
    #      FDRE                        : 8
    # RAMS                             : 1
    #      RAMB18E1                    : 1
    # Clock Buffers                    : 1
    #      BUFGP                       : 1
    # IO Buffers                       : 13
    #      IBUF                        : 1
    #      OBUF                        : 12


    Illustration 6.11: Primitive and Black Box Usage



    Device utilization summary:
    Selected Device : 7k325tffg900-2 
    Slice Logic Utilization: 
     Number of Slice Registers:              50  out of  407600     0%  
     Number of Slice LUTs:                   83  out of  203800     0%  
        Number used as Logic:                83  out of  203800     0%  
    Slice Logic Distribution: 
     Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used:     92
       Number with an unused Flip Flop:      42  out of     92    45%  
       Number with an unused LUT:             9  out of     92     9%  
       Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs:    41  out of     92    44%  
       Number of unique control sets:         2
    IO Utilization: 
     Number of IOs:                          14
     Number of bonded IOBs:                  14  out of    500     2%  
    Specific Feature Utilization:
     Number of Block RAM/FIFO:                1  out of    445     0%  
        Number using Block RAM only:          1
     Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs:                1  out of     32     3%  


    Illustration 6.12: Device Utilization Summary



    Partition Resource Summary:
      No Partitions were found in this design.


    Illustration 6.13: Partition Resource Summary


           8.4) Timing Report – this subsection displays timing estimates to help you: determine whether the design meets performance and timing requirements, and locate bottlenecks if performance and timing requirements are not met.


    Timing Report
    Clock Information:
    Clock Signal                       | Clock buffer(FF name)  | Load  |
    clk_in                             | BUFGP                  | 51    |


    Illustration 6.13: Timing Report and Clock Information



    Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
    Control Signal                     | Buffer(FF name)                                      | Load  |
    N0(XST_GND:G)                      | NONE(sine_Mram_ampl_cnt_s[7]_GND_10_o_wide_mux_0_OUT)| 2     |


    Illustration 6.14.  Asynchronous Control Signals Information



    Timing Summary:
    Speed Grade: -2
       Minimum period: 2.380ns (Maximum Frequency: 420.156MHz)
       Minimum input arrival time before clock: 1.786ns
       Maximum output required time after clock: 2.139ns
       Maximum combinational path delay: No path found
    Timing Details:
    All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
    Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'clk_in'
      Clock period: 2.380ns (frequency: 420.156MHz)
      Total number of paths / destination ports: 1748 / 73
    Delay:               2.380ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
      Source:            freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_12 (FF)
      Destination:       freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31 (FF)
      Source Clock:      clk_in rising
      Destination Clock: clk_in rising
      Data Path: freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_12 to freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31
                                    Gate     Net
        Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
        ----------------------------------------  ------------
         FD:C->Q               2   0.236   0.608  freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_12 (freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_12)
         LUT5:I0->O            1   0.043   0.522  freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o2 (freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o2)
         LUT6:I2->O            3   0.043   0.362  freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o5 (freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o5)
         LUT6:I5->O           31   0.043   0.480  freq_ce/Mcount_freq_cnt_s_val321 (freq_ce/Mcount_freq_cnt_s_val)
         LUT2:I1->O            1   0.043   0.000  freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31_rstpot (freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31_rstpot)
         FD:D                     -0.000          freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31
        Total                      2.380ns (0.408ns logic, 1.972ns route)
                                           (17.1% logic, 82.9% route)
    Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'clk_in'
      Total number of paths / destination ports: 66 / 34
    Offset:              1.786ns (Levels of Logic = 5)
      Source:            sw0 (PAD)
      Destination:       freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31 (FF)
      Destination Clock: clk_in rising
      Data Path: sw0 to freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31
                                    Gate     Net
        Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
        ----------------------------------------  ------------
         IBUF:I->O             4   0.000   0.367  sw0_IBUF (sw0_IBUF)
         LUT6:I5->O            1   0.043   0.405  freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o3 (freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o3)
         LUT6:I4->O            3   0.043   0.362  freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o5 (freq_ce/GND_9_o_GND_9_o_MUX_44_o5)
         LUT6:I5->O           31   0.043   0.480  freq_ce/Mcount_freq_cnt_s_val321 (freq_ce/Mcount_freq_cnt_s_val)
         LUT2:I1->O            1   0.043   0.000  freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31_rstpot (freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31_rstpot)
         FD:D                     -0.000          freq_ce/freq_cnt_s_31
        Total                      1.786ns (0.172ns logic, 1.614ns route)
                                           (9.6% logic, 90.4% route)
    Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'clk_in'
      Total number of paths / destination ports: 12 / 12
    Offset:              2.139ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
      Source:            sine_Mram_ampl_cnt_s[7]_GND_10_o_wide_mux_0_OUT (RAM)
      Destination:       sine_out<11> (PAD)
      Source Clock:      clk_in rising
      Data Path: sine_Mram_ampl_cnt_s[7]_GND_10_o_wide_mux_0_OUT to sine_out<11>
                                    Gate     Net
        Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
        ----------------------------------------  ------------
         RAMB18E1:CLKARDCLK->DOADO11    1   1.800   0.339  sine_Mram_ampl_cnt_s[7]_GND_10_o_wide_mux_0_OUT (sine_out_11_OBUF)
         OBUF:I->O                 0.000          sine_out_11_OBUF (sine_out<11>)
        Total                      2.139ns (1.800ns logic, 0.339ns route)
                                           (84.1% logic, 15.9% route)


    Illustration 6.15: Timing Summary and Timing Details



    Cross Clock Domains Report:
    Clock to Setup on destination clock clk_in
                   | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
    Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
    clk_in         |    2.380|         |         |         |

    Illustration 6.16: Cross Clock Domains Report


    6.5.4 RTL and Technology Schematic Viewers

    RTL and Technology Schematic Viewers allow you to view a schematic representation of your synthesized netlist. These viewers help you to:


    RTL Schematic Viewer

    RTL Schematic viewer allows you to view a schematic representation of the design  in terms of generic symbols that are independent of the targeted Xilinx device, for example, in terms of adders, multipliers, counters, AND gates, and OR gates.


    To use the RTL Schematic viewer, follow these steps:

    1. In the Hierarchy window, select the synthesizable module (sine_top – rtl). In the Processes window expand Synthesize - XST option and double-click on the View RTL Schematic command, see Illustration 6.17



    Illustration 6.17: View RTL Schematic command


    1. In the Set RTL/Tech Viewer Startup Mode dialog box, select Start with the Explorer Wizard option and click OK, see Illustration 6.18

      As it is explained in the Set RTL/Tech Viewer Startup Mode dialog box, in this mode, the Explorer Wizard is the initial screen and allows you to select the elements that you want to see on the initial schematic, see Illustration 6.19.



    Illustration 6.18: Set RTL/Tech Viewer Startup Mode dialog box




    Illustration 6.19: Create RTL Schematic window


    1. To create a detailed RTL Schematic view, you have to select items you want on the schematic from the Available Elements list (sine_top in our case) and add them to the Selected Elements list, see Illustration 6.20



    Illustration 6.20: Create RTL Schematic window with selected sine_top element


    1. Press the Create Schematic button to generate a schematic view using the items in the Selected Elements list, see Illustration 6.21 and 6.22



    Illustration 6.21: RTL Schematic View of the Digital Sine Top module




    Illustration 6.22: Detailed RTL Schematic View of the Digital Sine Top module


    1. Optional: If you want a more detailed logical view of your design, double-click on the schematic part to zoom-in, see Illustration 6.22
    2. Optional: If you want to return to the Top-Schematic, you should click on the green arrow on the left side of your schematic window


    6.5.5 View Technology Schematic

    Technology Schematic viewer allows you to view a schematic representation of the design in terms of logic elements optimized to the target Xilinx device or "technology," for example, in terms of LUTs, carry logic, I/O buffers, and other technology-specific components.


    To use the Technology Schematic Viewer:

    1. In the Hierarchy window, select the synthesizable module (sine_top – rtl). In the Processes window expand Synthesize - XST option and double-click on the View Technology Schematic command, see Illustration 6.23



    Illustration 6.23: View technology Schematic command


    1. Repeat steps 2-6 from the previous Sub-chapter 6.5.4 RTL and Technology Schematic Viewers and you will create detailed Technology Schematic view of your design, see Illustration 6.24



    Illustration 6.24: Detailed Technology Schematic View of the Digital Sine Top module


    Note: If you want to go more detail in the technology schematic view of you design,        please press and hold Ctrl button on your keyboard and scroll-in with your mouse.


    6.5.6 Check Syntax

    The Check Syntax process checks the syntax of the selected source file prior to generating a netlist of the design by synthesis or compile, or prior to running a simulation with ISim.


    To use Check Syntax process:

    1. In the Hierarchy window, select the synthesizable module (sine_top – rtl). In the Processes window expand Synthesize - XST option and double-click on the Check Syntax command, see Illustration 6.25



    Illustration 6.25: Check Syntax command


    Note: The Check Syntax process is also explained in the Sub-chapter 2.3.1 Creating a Module Using an Text Editor– step 8.


    6.5.7 Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model

    You can generate a simulation model after synthesizing your design. For this process, NetGen converts the synthesis output (NGC) to a simulation model (a structural UNISIM-based VHDL or Verilog file). The simulation model can be used to verify that the functionality is correct after synthesis by running a post-synthesis simulation in your simulator.


    To Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model, follow these steps:

    1. In the Processes window, expand Synthesize – XST option
    2. Right-click on the Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model and choose Process Properties... option
    3. In the Process Properties – Simulation Model Properties window, write in the “Rename Top Level Architecture To” filed rtl, and click OK, see Illustration 6.26

    Note: Verify that the Advanced Property Display Level is enabled in the Process Properties window.    



    Illustration 6.26: Process Properties – Simulation Model Properties window


    1. At the end, double-click on the Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model, see Illustration 6.27



    Illustration 6.18: Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model command